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Clay Mound Sporting Center LLC
Crosby 4-H Shotgun Team 3rd annual Fun Shoot
AGES 19 and UP MAIN EVENT - 100 Targets

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. First Name Last Name . Class Concurrent Gender # A:1 # A:2 # A:3 # A:4 # A:5 # A:6 # A:7 # A:8 # A:9 # A:10 Total
0KENNYBROYLES0. M 10101010101010101010100
0DARRELLSKILLERN0. M 10101010101010101010100
0DWIGHTLUMPKINS0. M 109109108101091095
0SAMLINDSEY0. M 1010101091010971095
0MARKTAYLOR0. M 101010101089810994
0MATTHEWFISHER0. M 10999109101081094
0BILLJOHNSON0. M 81098109101081092
0CURTISHACKFELD0. M 10101081099971092
0GARYTAYLOR0. M 9107101010999891
0CHRISJOHNSTON0. M 86910109107101089
0JOEYFICK0. M 1088810889101089
0WESLEYMAZURKIEWICZ0. M 7109610109991089
0TEAQUESCHEXNAYDER0. M 897109810981088
0SHANESIMPSON0. M 5991010108881087
0ERNESTGRAFF0. M 791091097791087
0CLIFFFISHER0. M 986101089791086
0GustavoGarza0. M 101098981075985
0GUSTAVOGARZA0. M 88710781088983
0SCOTTHATHORN0. M 88109106996883
0DAVID NETTLES0. M 68981081097883
0RUDYCORDOVA0. M 7910889977882
0briannavarro0. M 879101071075982
0stephenmoore0. M 86109995881082
0DAVIDWALLER0. M 87581098971081
0BARRYJOHNSON0. M 4107910710671080
0markfriudenberg0. M 10789107967780
0JaredPrescott0. M 4998810967979
0DAVID ANETTLES0. M 985797977977
0REECEPARRISH0. M 95881078651076
0Tommy Padgett0. M 599596995773
0ToddRamsey0. M 898969744973
0LouisGuthrie0. M 83775109681073
0CLAYTONSPEIR0. M 5610978865973
0WadeHollman0. M 189779668970
0RandyMaxey 0. M 8767710755870
0RONNIEPARRISH0. M 559896965870
0WILLIAMNASH0. M 359996975870
0TYLERGOODWIN0. M 8777210478767
0KEITHMOORE0. M 456798867767
0RODNEYILSENG0. M 579394868766
0SHANEWELCH0. M 636896777665
0DaltonWolf0. M 639987853765
0RAYVINCENT0. M 900100881010863
0RONNAPARRISH0. M 7753477941063
0KRISMCGINTY0. M 557987647563
0PhillipChapman0. M 687954914962
0QUENTINLANGDON0. M 657896363659
0GREGLANGDON0. M 636684784759
0TANNIEGILLESPIE0. M 857467217956
0KeithKey0. M 3572766351054
0SCOTTSTEPHENS0. M 124797945553
0WALTERBERRINGER0. M 426957666152
0davidsaucier0. M 600707996852
0GIBGARDNER0. M 4106482534349
0DonRamsey0. M 345227877247
0ROBYNNBROWN0. M 133112831427
0DavidClowers0. M 0000000000
0NORAN HANKINS0. M 0000000000
0JIMMYHAMMOND0. M 0000000000
0TOMMYHAMMOND0. M 0000000000
0TerryParrish0. M 0000000000
0CodyGleason0. M 0000000000
0JERRYHOVATER0. M 0000000000
0DAVEFORSYTH0. M 0000000000
0TRACYSUE0. M 0000000000
0WARDSTEWARDSON0. M 0000000000
0CODYRESSLER0. M 0000000000
0TROYBOWDEN0. M 0000000000