* Any Payouts based on entrants in class are based on the number of FULL price entrants, not discount rate entrants, which are also not eligible to receive purse payouts.

Presidents Day Shoot 100 Bird Sporting Payout

Purse Payout
Shooter #PurseName ScoreAmount
33HOADavid Whiley 94$30
23MDonald Nolen 89$10
11AADanny Clark 92$36
31AAJeffrey Papasan 90$24
1BHayes Mcneely 90$30
2CDon Koen 92$42
30CHuntter Spencer 86$28
36DTravis windle Old 89$50
19ETyler Neal 91$70
20ECayse Harrell 84$42
38EMike Littrall 80$28
Totals Shooter Count: 11  $390