
iClays is a proven sporting clay event marketing, registration, event management and scoring program
With an unparalleled 17 year track record, our reliability is second to none.
Entirely internet based, shooters can register for events, change previously chosen rotations
or return to add event and options, and pay in advance online. Clubs have the option to make deposits required,
and even make full payment a requirement for enrollment.
iClays automatically records all online payments so inside the system you always have the correct shooter balance.
Issuing full or partial refunds is a one-click breeze, iClays is fully integrated with the credit card platform,
click a refund in iClays and it is automatically handled with your associated merchant account. No need to track
down the transaction and manually refund it.
Getting Started is easy, just enter your NSCA number and iClays begins filling out the forms for you!
iClays simplifies complex signup forms, by identifying shooters, and eliminating confusing or redundant
selections, displaying only applicable choices. This makes forms shorter easier, and more accurate.
ie: Entrants are not offered entries or options that do not apply to them.
Instead of selecting 1st, 2nd, or even 3rd choices of rotations and wondering if you will get what you
want, iClays displays the open rotation slots in-real-time so you can see exactly how many
opening are in each rotation allowing you to pick rotations with room for your whole squad.
And guaranteeing you that slot.
No more waiting around all day for scores to be posted, and no more late nights refreshing a score
site that is not up to date, all iClays events have live real-time scoring available online.
Scores are updated continuously and instantaneously on our live scoring site.
Also new to sporting clays results, iClays offers personalized scoring results.
iClays score results are offered in the standard format you are already familiar
with, but each shooters name is a hyperlink to his personalized score results.
See the following for each station....
Score at each Station
      Average score for the station Overall (among all classes)
      Average score for the station in the shooters NSCA Class (for registered NSCA Shooter only)
      Average score for the station in the shooters Concurrent (for Concurrent only)
      Average score for the station among the Ladies (for Ladies only)
Station Rank
Rank among all shooters for the station ie: Your score was 72nd of 512 Overall on this station
Rank among your Class for the station ie: Your score was 6th of 51 in AA class on this station
Rank among your Concurrent ie: Your score was 3rd of 26 in Veteran on this station
On any iClays results page each shooter has a checkbox next to their name.
Put a check in the box, choose more shooters, then compare the station by station
results for the selected shooters.
For clubs iClays offers a wide array of powerful features that enhance usability, speed of data
entry, and error handling. Some of the key features are:
Ensures that you (or the shooter) does not enroll in or schedule shooters to be in two places at once.
iClays know the duration for each event as well as all shooters scheduled start times, and actively
monitors the system so you can correct squadding in advance, not have to cancel a shooter because
the problem is discovered at registration and other rotations are already filled.
Saves time and postage at the click of a single button, all shooters are emailed their full confirmation
receipt. Any receipts that need to be mailed to shooters without email can exclude those that received
theirs already by email.
Easy to understand Reports |
iClays has reports on: (click here to see sample)
      Shootoff Stations
      Collected Funds
      Uncollected Funds
      Gross Profit
      Refunds Due
      Options Played
      Deposits Collected
      Itemized Cash/Check/Credit Card by transaction
      State Clays Association Reporting
iClays will also report your event results to the NSCA with the click of a single button.
Direct Wireless Station Reporting |
Finally! Scores can be entered directly by the trappers on the station using wireless devices.
Compatible with many different wireless devices, like Blackberry, iPhone and Palm Devices.
Squad listings are automatically updated to the web in-real-time.
squadding is a breeze with iClays squadding grid.
Hover your mouse over any shooter and it tells you who that shooter wants to be squadding with.
Click a shooter and click a spot, click two shooters to swap them. Its fast and accurate.
Compares all registered shooters against NSCA data, and reports create discrepancy reports
ie, lists shooters that have changed concurrents, have declared classes that don't match NSCA
records, etc
iClays will assist you in spreading the word about your shoot to shooters in your area.
Our email blasts go out specially designed so that when the shooter click the emailed link, the form
appears PRE-POPULATED with all their contact data, all they have to do is pick the events and submit.
Additionally, iClays is able to successfully monitor all page views, so even if a shooter visits the
signup page and does not register, YOU the club know who has been to visit your registration page.
No more, you got 10 hits today.. iClays tells you, today, David Clifford, John Doe, Bob
Smith,... all visited your registration page, even if they didnt sign up!
and thats not just a list of names, it includes contact information, and email so you can follow
up with them.
iClays will increase your shooter turnout.
iClays is easier to use than anything you have seen before.
Shooter love the scores pages, the personal results, the compare shooter features.
Dont take our word for it, search any shotgun forum for iClays and see
the what the shooters and clubs have to say.
All of the above features included at just a penny a target!